Friday, November 21, 2008

Line-Item Veto

The President of the United States needs the ability to cut the fat out of a bill. This is what we call the Line-Item Veto. As you know, or should know, the President has what is known as the Veto Power. This allows him to cancel or nullify and bill that he feels is not in the best interest of the country. A Line-Item Veto would allow the President to pass good bills, but cancel or nullify those provisions that are detremental to our country and economy. This would provide a much needed way to reduce out of control Congressional spending.

In his 1986 State of the Union address Pres. Ronald Reagan asked congress to give him the same power that all but seven of our states have, Line-Item Veto. This tool has helped governors in 43 states limit wasteful spending, unless they are a socialist governor, and hold the state congresses accountable for their spending.

For a brief time in our history the President had a limited Line-Item Veto. The Line-Item Veto Act of 1996 was signed into law by Pres. Bill Clinton on April 9, 1996. The new law was used only a handful of times before being ruled unconstitutional by Judge Thomas Hogan on Feb. 12, 1998. This decision was upheld by the Supreme Court in a 6-3 decision on June 25, 1998. The majority opinion felt that the Line-Item Veto gave the president too much power.
Let’s be honest for a minute, the Congress clearly has more power than the President. The President cannot declare war, he cannot write and pass laws on his own, he has to seek approval for treaties and appointments, and his Veto power can be overridden. How can the President have more power than a Senator who can attach their pet project for their district onto a bill as a “cosponsor”? The Line-Item Veto power would allow the President to keep these Senators and Representatives in check. It would add value to the checks and balances system. If the President Vetoes a certain provision, it can be reintroduced as a new bill and pass on it’s own merits.

Congress, hear me, you need to give our President Line-Item Veto. It is time for a constitutional amendment that will end the wasteful spending of tax payer’s dollars. This is billions that the goverment should use to pay off our national debt. Go to it.

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