I am constantly told that President-Elect Barack Obama is an intelligent person. The media praises him for his brilliance. The Democrats heap worshipful comments on him. But....I don't buy it. I will not drink the kool-aid that they are serving and neither should you.
Before the man even takes office he is involved with a scandal from his hometown. Chicagoland, a place for family and corruption.
I can't wrap my brain around the idea that America elected this man to be our next president. We are being lead by crooks and criminals. Frankly I'm scared for our future.
As I'm sure all of you are aware that Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was trying to sell Barack Obama's Senate seat. TRYING TO SELL Barack Obama's Senate seat. What makes Obama ignorant is that instead of immediately demanding that Blago resign he said that he had nothing to do with it. INSTEAD of calling for Blago's resignation, Obama denies involvement. To me this screams guilt.
Blago was looking for upwards to $1 million dollars for the seat and an executive position with a major corporation for his wife. The amazing thing about all of this, he doesn't care that he is being investigated and brought up on charges. Arrogant! His arrogance amazes me.
I'm sure that this is just the tip of the iceberg. I would not be surprised if more information surfaces about Obama's connection to the whole thing.
Just this morning Obama's top advisor Rahm Emmanuel has denied to answer questions about the investigation. There is now speculation that he is one of the aids heard laughing in the background of taped conversation about the open senate seat.
Here are some other reasons why Obama is ignorant:
1. His denied and then accepted association with William Ayers, known terrorist.
2. He once accepted and now denies association with Jeremiah Wright, bigot and racist.
3. He is surrounding himself with politicians from one of the most politically corrupt cities and states in the country.
4. He chose Hilary Clinton to be Secretary of State. Do we need more of this women?
5. He is a closet socialist. Just admit it.
Someone needs to tell President-Elect Barack Obama that you will be associated with your friends. If you don't want to be viewed as corrupt, racist, radical, a liar, or anything else with a negative connotation don't befriend people who are those things.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Why Barack Obama is Ignorant
Barack Obama,
Hilary Clinton,
Rod Blagojevich,
William Ayers
Monday, December 8, 2008
Barack Obama a Natural-born Citizen?
I don't know if Barack Obama is a natural-born U.S. citizen. I don't know if John McCain is a natural-born U.S. Citizen. I haven't seen either of their birth certificates personally.

This is a copy of Barack Obama's birth certificate. To my untrained eye this looks like a legit certificate. However, with technology today there is always the chance that someone faked this document. There is always room to be skeptical. I think it is healthy to have a certain level of skepticism. But there is a line.
The Supreme Court has said it will not hear a case challenging Obama's citizenship. This case was brought by a New Jersey man, Leo Donofrio. Donofrio also claims that John McCain is not a natural-born U.S. Citizen. The court has made no comment about it's decision.
The question that we need to decide before a case is heard is what constitutes a natural-born U.S. Citizen?
1. Is it someone whose parents are both U.S. citizens already?
2. Is it someone born on U.S. soil?
3. Can you be a natural born U.S. citizen if you were born to U.S. Parents on foreign soil?
4. Can you be a natural born U.S. citizen if you are born in the U.S. to foreign parents?
5. If you are born on a U.S. military base in Japan to a U.S. father and a Japanese mother are you a natural-born U.S. citizen?
These are tough questions to answers because our constitution does not give us clear direction as to what a natural-born U.S. citizen is, it is left open to interpretation. Therefore, we rely on the Supreme Court to make that decision for us (Marbury v. Madison). That is why I believe that the Supreme Court should hear this man's case, it would give us precedent as to what it means to be a natural-born U.S. citizen.
Barack Obama,
John McCain,
Supreme Court,
U.S. Citizen
Saturday, December 6, 2008
O.J. Simpson Goes to the Big House

It is about time. This man is a prime example of getting away with murder. He did it. He thought he could fool the justice system again, but he was sorely mistaken.
He pleaded with the judge. He apologized to the judge. But she had already made her mind up what the sentence was going to be. He is going to serve a minimum of nine years and a maximum of 33 years.
I know the judge and Fred Goldman said this has nothing to do with the murder committed 13 years ago, but you could see in their eyes that it did. Everyone knows he killed his wife and Ron Goldman.
However, he is not going to jail for murder. He was found guilty of robbery and kidnapping with a deadly weapon, among other charges. The judge expressed her view that O.J. was both stupid and arrogant because he felt he did nothing wrong.
Enjoy your time in prison O.J. and do us all a favor, don't try and appeal this case. You committed the crime, now you should do the time. By the way, don't drop the soap.
Fred Goldman,
O.J. Simpson,
Monday, December 1, 2008
Top 5 Books for Those New to Politics
If you are new to politics you need to read these books. They will make you think and hopefully question our government.
1. What's So Great About America? by Dinesh D'Souza.
This is an excellent read for anyone who is questioning whether or not America is a great country.
2. Bias by Bernard Goldberg
Within the pages of this book the author explores the liberal bias within the mainstream media. Don't fool yourself it is present. Mr. Goldberg himself is not a conservative, he tends to be liberal on certain issues, which he talks about in the book. He does however notice that liberals to have control of most mainstream media outlets.
3. Slander by Ann Coulter
A humorous look at the tactics of the extreme left-wing of the Democratic Party. Be ready to take it with a grain of salt.
4. Give Me a Break by John Stossel
This book is amazing. It is an easy read, written in language that even your 5th grader can understand. John Stossel is the king of exposing scams. He promotes the idea of competition and a personal responsibility. It's about time someone did.
5. The Federalist Papers by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison
This is the most difficult to read and understand, that is why it is at the bottom of the list. However, I would say this is the most important book of the five. The book is really a series of essays written to promote the new Constitution and the idea of Democracy. If you have trouble understanding out constitution these men will explain it.
Please read responsibly and enjoy.
1. What's So Great About America? by Dinesh D'Souza.
This is an excellent read for anyone who is questioning whether or not America is a great country.
2. Bias by Bernard Goldberg
Within the pages of this book the author explores the liberal bias within the mainstream media. Don't fool yourself it is present. Mr. Goldberg himself is not a conservative, he tends to be liberal on certain issues, which he talks about in the book. He does however notice that liberals to have control of most mainstream media outlets.
3. Slander by Ann Coulter
A humorous look at the tactics of the extreme left-wing of the Democratic Party. Be ready to take it with a grain of salt.
4. Give Me a Break by John Stossel
This book is amazing. It is an easy read, written in language that even your 5th grader can understand. John Stossel is the king of exposing scams. He promotes the idea of competition and a personal responsibility. It's about time someone did.
5. The Federalist Papers by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison
This is the most difficult to read and understand, that is why it is at the bottom of the list. However, I would say this is the most important book of the five. The book is really a series of essays written to promote the new Constitution and the idea of Democracy. If you have trouble understanding out constitution these men will explain it.
Please read responsibly and enjoy.
Ann Coulter,
Bernard Goldberg,
Dinesh D'Souza,
James Madison,
John Jay,
John Stossel
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