Friday, December 12, 2008

Why Barack Obama is Ignorant

I am constantly told that President-Elect Barack Obama is an intelligent person. The media praises him for his brilliance. The Democrats heap worshipful comments on him. But....I don't buy it. I will not drink the kool-aid that they are serving and neither should you.

Before the man even takes office he is involved with a scandal from his hometown. Chicagoland, a place for family and corruption.

I can't wrap my brain around the idea that America elected this man to be our next president. We are being lead by crooks and criminals. Frankly I'm scared for our future.

As I'm sure all of you are aware that Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich was trying to sell Barack Obama's Senate seat. TRYING TO SELL Barack Obama's Senate seat. What makes Obama ignorant is that instead of immediately demanding that Blago resign he said that he had nothing to do with it. INSTEAD of calling for Blago's resignation, Obama denies involvement. To me this screams guilt.

Blago was looking for upwards to $1 million dollars for the seat and an executive position with a major corporation for his wife. The amazing thing about all of this, he doesn't care that he is being investigated and brought up on charges. Arrogant! His arrogance amazes me.

I'm sure that this is just the tip of the iceberg. I would not be surprised if more information surfaces about Obama's connection to the whole thing.

Just this morning Obama's top advisor Rahm Emmanuel has denied to answer questions about the investigation. There is now speculation that he is one of the aids heard laughing in the background of taped conversation about the open senate seat.

Here are some other reasons why Obama is ignorant:

1. His denied and then accepted association with William Ayers, known terrorist.

2. He once accepted and now denies association with Jeremiah Wright, bigot and racist.

3. He is surrounding himself with politicians from one of the most politically corrupt cities and states in the country.

4. He chose Hilary Clinton to be Secretary of State. Do we need more of this women?

5. He is a closet socialist. Just admit it.

Someone needs to tell President-Elect Barack Obama that you will be associated with your friends. If you don't want to be viewed as corrupt, racist, radical, a liar, or anything else with a negative connotation don't befriend people who are those things.

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